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Ron Schaefer
Miracle Mindset Coach
Forum Posts
Ronald Schaefer
Jan 10, 2025
In General Discussion
This weekend, the crowning thought is all about Integrity. Spirit invites us to be impeccable with our thoughts, actions, deeds, and words. It’s a call to embody more of the truth of who we are in each interaction and moment, encouraging us to be fully present in the now.
The supporting energy we are working with comes first from Dragon’s Lair. This energy serves as a reminder that we have an internal compass and warning system—our feelings. Spirit asks us to check in with our emotions this weekend. Are you feeling aligned (happy, content, joyful, grateful), or are you feeling misaligned (fearful, judgmental, angry)? By becoming more aware of our intuition and alignment, we can better navigate our inner and outer worlds.
As we deepen our awareness, Spirit also invites us to reflect on our actions and deeds with The Spirit of a Place. This energy is an invitation to examine the overarching themes in our lives. Are you aligning with what you truly desire, or are you still stuck in the same old stories? For example, you might desire more freedom but remain so focused on control that you can't relax. You tell yourself everything must be perfect or under control to feel at ease, but in doing so, you create more anxiety and block yourself from experiencing the freedom you seek.
Finally, this leads us to the energy of Wide Open. Spirit assures us that this weekend will be filled with opportunities of all kinds. We have the chance to align with what we desire or to continue choosing what we’ve experienced before—patterns and energies we already know don’t serve us. The choice is ours: will we choose alignment, presence, and freedom, or will we cling to control and old narratives?
This weekend also aligns with a significant astrological event—a nodal shift. This shift represents a change in collective focus and lessons. As the nodes move, they guide us to release old karmic patterns and embrace the qualities needed for our growth. Use this weekend to reflect on where you are being invited to release control, step into trust, and align with your highest truth.
Ronald Schaefer
Dec 20, 2024
In General Discussion
Weekend Contemplation and Energy Report for 12-20-2024
This weekend, Spirit asks us to Rise and Shine by letting go of the ego filters that keep us trapped in the past or future. These filters might show up as regret, guilt, or worry about what could happen. Instead, step fully into the present moment. Why not take it a step further and shine? Wear something that makes you feel amazing, or choose a scent that uplifts your spirit. Do something that reminds you it feels good to feel good.
Spirit encourages us to rise and shine with our authentic selves, even if the ego protests. Focus on your spirit. This doesn’t mean ignoring triggers if they arise. When they do, let your spirit guide you to see beyond them. Feel them, acknowledge them, but don’t stay stuck. Shine the light of awareness on them to see them clearly. For example, if anger arises, pause and observe it without judgment. Ask what fear or belief is fueling it, and let your spirit reveal the truth behind it.
As we invest more in our spirit, we have nothing to fear and everything to look forward to. Our truth will guide us to celebrate and share our unique gifts, which will return to us tenfold. Offering your time or kindness creates a ripple effect. Over time, you’ll find yourself receiving similar generosity, reinforcing love’s natural flow. Spirit reminds us to allow this love to return. Don’t block the blessings you’ve earned. Love invites us to experience its gifts—but only if we let it in.
To close, Spirit urges us to give more attention to our spirit than our ego. If you catch yourself giving airtime to the ego, that’s okay. Simply choose again. Refocusing is a wonderful gift. Choose to focus on what you truly want rather than what you don’t. Reflect on what brings joy or peace, and use that as your guide. By tuning into your inner happiness, you can direct your focus toward your desires.
Key Takeaways for the Weekend:
1. Let go of ego filters and embrace the present.
2. Shine by doing something uplifting and reflective of your light.
3. Acknowledge triggers, but don’t stay stuck in them. Use awareness to see clearly.
4. Invest in your spirit and trust your truth to guide you.
5. Allow love to flow back to you; don’t block the blessings.
6. Remember, you can always choose again. Focus on what you want.
Ronald Schaefer
Dec 13, 2024
In General Discussion
Weekend Contemplation and Energy report for 12-13-2024
Ronald Schaefer
Dec 06, 2024
In General Discussion
Weekend Contemplation and Energy Report: December 6, 2024
This weekend, Spirit invites us to slow down and embrace patience. Being patient doesn’t mean doing nothing; rather, it means focusing on the tasks before us while trusting that the Universe is orchestrating everything for our next right step. Spirit encourages us to trust this divine timing and to practice patience with grace.
Release and Reset
As part of this process, Spirit reminds us to blow off steam in ways that help us release pent-up energy. Whether it’s through a boxing class, a run, or any physical activity that resonates, find a way to let go of energy that may be preventing you from staying present.
When impatience surfaces, it often stirs the ego, which may become reactive or combative. Instead of giving in, Spirit invites us to step back and become the curious observer. Ask yourself:
• What must I believe for this situation to feel this way?
• Do I want to be right, or do I want to be happy?
• What might this moment be teaching me?
By choosing curiosity over conflict, we create space for peace instead of war. This may mean saying “no” to situations that disrupt your peace—not by avoiding them but by being honest with yourself.
See Things Differently
Spirit encourages us to enter a dialogue with the Divine when faced with challenges. Instead of asking, What should I do?, consider asking:
• How can I see this differently?
• Help me see peace instead of this.
Opening up to this divine conversation helps us move beyond surface-level solutions and access deeper guidance.
Grounding Thought for the Weekend
Ask for help—and be open to receiving it in whatever form it arrives. Remember, you are in a divine co-creation, not a solo effort to figure everything out. Your role is to ask, release attachment to the outcome, and allow yourself to be led. Trust that guidance will come, and focus on staying aligned with Spirit’s flow.
This weekend, let patience, curiosity, and trust guide you toward peace. You are never alone on this journey. 🌟
Ronald Schaefer
Nov 22, 2024
In General Discussion
Weekend Contemplation and Energy Report for November 22, 2024
This weekend, our Joy Guides are coming to work with us. These guides are wonderful as they invite us to get out of our heads and into our hearts. Their message for us this weekend is an invitation to begin our day with an attitude of appreciation and gratitude for all that is around us. They also invite us to ask the universe every morning to surprise us with something that will bring us joy or a smile.
The universe is supporting us this weekend with the energy of focus. This energy asks us to take a look at where we are placing our awareness and focus. Are we focused on the problem or the solution? This shift in perspective can help us see the gateway of change, as we become willing to see things differently. This opens the door for Spirit to show us opportunities we may not have seen before because of our previous focus.
Spirit also reminds us that support is all around us, even if we are not conscious of it. We must allow ourselves to be supported and to give support. Spirit invites us this weekend to connect more with our community, our vibe tribe, if you will.
Through all of this, Spirit wants us to ground ourselves in the knowledge that all is and will be well, even if the outside conditions seem to tell a different story.
Questions to ask your self: What am I grateful for in this present moment, even in the midst of challenges?
• How can I bring more joy into my daily life, and what small actions can I take today to invite more of it?
• Where am I currently placing my focus? Is it on the problem or the solution?
• What might I be overlooking because I am too focused on the difficulties or uncertainties in my life?
• Who in my life is offering me support right now, and am I fully receiving it?
• How can I connect more deeply with my community or "vibe tribe" to nurture mutual support and growth?
• How can I remind myself this week that all is well, even if external circumstances seem challenging?How can I ground myself in the knowledge that peace and freedom are already within me, not dependent on outside outcomes?
Ronald Schaefer
Nov 15, 2024
In General Discussion
November 15, 2024 Weekend Contemplation and Energy Report
Our crowning thought for this weekend is: "It is not an emergency."
This energy encourages us to remember that, while things may be shifting and changing, we should not let our ego create unnecessary drama. Spirit reminds us that this is not a time to react out of fear but to respond with love. By doing so, we open ourselves to grace—a force that is within us but not of us. Spirit also advises us to avoid rash actions and instead approach everything with deliberate intent.
Energies Supporting Us This Weekend
During times of change and transformation, we often take ourselves, others, and the world far too seriously. This mindset can lead us to perceive everything as a personal attack or insist that things must go a certain way. When we get stuck in this state, we lose sight of life’s humor. Spirit invites us to laugh—at life, at ourselves, and even at some of our thoughts. Laughter lightens the energy and helps us gain perspective.
Ask yourself where am I taking myself or a situation to seriously? How can I choose to lighten myself up?
Engaging in something creative this weekend will help us move out of ego and into spirit. Creativity inspires us, and when we are inspired, we are "in spirit." This reconnection with our authentic selves allows us to flow more easily and effortlessly through life.
Ask yourself What creative activity can I engage in to reconnect with my spirit this weekend?
Say NO:
This energy is twofold.
Aspect One: Say no to what no longer serves your highest and greatest good. This includes situations, thoughts, ideas, or beliefs that no longer align with your truth. Remember: "No" is a complete sentence.
Aspect Two: Examine your current circumstances and recognize the choices that have led you to this moment. Firmly say no to the negative patterns, behaviors, and decisions that have not served you. By choosing to love and value yourself, you create space for new, aligned opportunities. The divine forces will support you once you decide to firmly say no and choose again.
Ask yourself: What beliefs, habits, or situations no longer align with my highest good?
Ronald Schaefer
Nov 11, 2024
In General Discussion
Weekly Energy Forecast
This week, our overarching energy invites us to return to Source. We’re called to let go of personal agendas and plans, as they can block our alignment with who we truly are. In releasing control, we allow ourselves to reconnect with our inner Source, which effortlessly guides us into our next experiences.
Supporting this journey is the energy of relationships. This energy reminds us that we are connected to everything and everyone. It encourages us to reflect on which relationships are uplifting and supportive and which ones may be limiting. It’s a call to assess the harmony in these connections and realign where needed.
Meditation plays a key role in returning to Source. Meditation isn’t just sitting in silence; it’s any practice that helps us reset our vibration and align our energy and thoughts with Source. For some, it might be walking outside, folding laundry, or exercising—anything that opens the mind to guidance and fresh insights.
This leads us to the energy of self-trust. This week, consider which part of yourself you’ve been turning to for guidance: your ego or your spirit. You can tell by how you feel—if you feel joyful and at ease, you’re aligned with spirit. If stress or burnout surfaces, it might be a sign you’ve been following ego’s lead.
Finally, optimism serves as our grounding energy. Spirit encourages us to stay present, focusing on what’s working and what brings us happiness. This doesn’t mean ignoring reality but choosing to see solutions instead of problems. By focusing on solutions, we allow positive change to unfold with greater ease and speed.
Ronald Schaefer
Nov 08, 2024
In General Discussion
Weekend Contemplation for November 8, 2024
This weekend, Spirit invites us to clear the fog clouding our minds. Right now, we may not be seeing things as clearly as we could, perhaps because we’re taking things personally. Spirit encourages us to release this fog by becoming the observer. From this place of observation, we can ask our inner being what it truly desires and allow that clarity to guide us.
As we do this, Spirit reminds us that we have a brand-new moment. We get to choose again, to see ourselves and our situations from the present “now” moment—not through the lens of the past or future, but in the bright, ever-present now.
Spirit also invites us this weekend to be of service to someone else. In doing so, we lift ourselves out of the ego’s fog and step into the clear, radiant present. By sharing light with others, we both become clearer, channeling the light we are.
Lastly, Spirit reminds us to be gentle with ourselves as we face the fog of the ego. Speak to yourself kindly as we all move together toward the brighter, ever-present Now.
Ronald Schaefer
Oct 28, 2024
In General Discussion
This week we are working with the energies of vulnerability, Big Picture, gratitude, and appreciation, and the crowning thought is choosing again.
Our overall energy for this week is purity or choosing again. Spirit invites us to let go of the past and remember that we always have a choice: either to repeat the past by replaying it again and again or to choose to see things from a new viewpoint. This does not mean we paint the world with rainbows and butterflies but instead invite our higher power into our minds for a new perspective.
This brings us to our supporting energy of the week which is the Big picture this energy invites us to take a step back from our subjective view and come to a broader objective viewpoint, when we do this practice we often will see solutions and patterns playing out we would have never seen before. When we look through the subjective judgemental view of the ego we have a minimal view of a situation but when we let go of the judgments we see things more clearly.
This then allows us to be in a state of vulnerability not in the way of danger but in the way of being more open to other possibilities Vulnerability does not mean we are weak or cowering instead it means we are open-hearted and allowing ourselves to notice when we are feeling off and address that not with fear but with gentle curiosity and the ability to shift that.
We can shift that simply by acknowledging the mention and having appreciation that we have this wonderful instant guidance system that lets us know when we are out of alignment with the law of one the law of love. Gratuite and Appreciation are two powerful tools t help you shift from subjective victim to empowered co-creator
Ronald Schaefer
Oct 25, 2024
In General Discussion
Weekend Contemplation and Energy Report for October 25, 2024
Our crowning energy for this week is Breaking Through Barriers. Spirit is inviting us to look at what mental, emotional, or even physical limitations are stopping us from truly living our lives to the fullest and breaking up with them. This does not mean all at once but instead through our next energy.
Our next supporting energy for this weekend to help us break up with our self-imposed limitations is Talking with God or your higher power as we talk and connect with our higher power we are not asking for what we should do to break up with the barriers but instead simply allowing ourselves to connect and let go to allow ourselves to enter our next energy.
The next supporting energy is going with the flow. Once we connect with our higher power, we hook up to guidance, and once we do, we become a more cooperative component in the divine plan. We have let go of what we think we should, would, or could do and allowed ourselves to go with the flow of what brings us more peace and brings down our fear. The beauty is that spirit knows exactly what you need and the timing of it. Your only job is to be present to be led.
Lastly, as we break these barriers spirit invites us to be gentle and kind with ourselves to treat ourselves kindly, and to do things that help us to feel good maybe getting a hair and your nails done or hanging out with a friend something that is supportive
Questions to ask yourself: What barrier am I ready to break up with? Why am I not asking source for help? If I was to talk to God or my higher power how might I explain this situation? How am i resisting the flow? If I were to let go of one bit of control which area of my life would that feel safe in? How might that area improve?
Ronald Schaefer
Oct 18, 2024
In General Discussion
Weekend Contemplation and Energy Report for October 18, 2024
This weekend, we are still amidst this powerful full moon. One aspect of this moon was a deep letting go of our own identity based on our relationships. Spirit reminds us that allowing our more inward-facing emotions to rise is okay, but not to stay in them or wallow in them. Spirit reminds us that the past is gone and not to dwell there, for if we do, we will miss out on the power of now to co-create something even better.
This leads us to our next aspect of this weekend, an invitation from spirit to rest and rejuvenate. Because we have just been through a very intense full moon, this does not mean not doing anything, but instead a time of reorientation and realignment with this awareness of how you will be in the coming weeks.
We also have the invitation to look at where it is we can start to expand in this new way we have been through the fire of transformation. Spirit says, "What is it that you would like to start co-creating from this new awareness?" This gives us the insight to step more fully into our power and authority to choose how we wish to proceed.
We can ask ourselves How can I embrace who I am today, without being defined by my past? What emotional truths are rising to the surface that I need to acknowledge and heal? How can I create space for rest and self-care while still taking steps toward my goals? What do I want to start co-creating now that I’ve released what was holding me back? How can I step more fully into my power and authority as a co-creator of my life?
Ronald Schaefer
Oct 11, 2024
In General Discussion
This weekend, our overall energy is "Making a Difference." The affirmation we can use for this is "My inner light shines far and wide." If we want to dive deeper into this overall energy, we can ask ourselves: Whose life has been positively impacted by my light? How can I share my light even more? What might be stopping me from sharing my light?
Our supporting energies are choices, confrontation, and letting go, with bonus energies of facing fear and epiphany.
Spirit is asking us this weekend to choose to either continue to shy away from the truth of who we are or begin to embrace it. Spirit reminds us that we always have a choice in each moment to be the presence of the alternative or not, and either way, the choice is ours. The choice is not about being good or right; the choice is simply where are you currently aligning with what is it that you want to experience more: fear or love.
This then leads us to our next energy of confrontation. This energy is asking us to ask one question: Do I want to be right or happy? This does not mean we don't stand up for what is right, but instead, it means that we don't try and convince others we are right and they are wrong. We choose the places we stand, and we demonstrate and explain not to be seen as right, but to gain understanding of both sides.
The next energy is letting go, fear, and epiphany. These three energies flow together. Once we face the fear, we realize it has no power, and we let it go, and in so doing, we gain greater insight. What are we letting go of? I like to say we are letting go of the value we have for the fear. Our mind tells us that this fear of sharing our light and sharing ourselves is dangerous because of this or that. Once we look at that story and say, "I am no longer going to pay attention to it," but instead take one step, no matter how big or small, past, we are telling our minds that we are no longer valuing that story, and it will fade away. Sometimes the moment we take the step and other times after a few steps. The steps show us the insight we need to let go of the story, to see with new clarity and insight what we have wanted all along was right there past the fear.
Ronald Schaefer
Oct 04, 2024
In General Discussion
Today spirit gave us the spirit animal of the Raven as part of our message for this weekend. The Raven is a messenger coming forth to remind you first that this weekend contains a healing aspect to it not only that but to begin to be aware of the little miracles and synchronicities that are occurring for they are winks from your higher power that you are aligning with the truth of who you are.
Our crowning energy is two-fold our first energy is security and our second is transcendence. Spirit asks us to be fearless in facing our littleness in areas where we find ourselves selling ourselves short or seeing ourselves as less than others and begin willing to laugh at them and rise above them realizing they are not truths but merely opinions we have about ourselves. An opinion is just that an opinion not a fact.
As we begin to align not with littleness but with our magnitude spirit invites us to see everything not as a challenge or test or more work to do on ourselves but instead as a gift of awareness that we have an opportunity to take and align with what is true.
The divine is also offering us support in this aligning process by asking us to become the observer of our thoughts and emotions, Ask yourself who is the I observing these thoughts? You will begin to notice that this self is not your ego but the truth of who you are the real you. Not the one who plays in littleness but the one that sits in the magnitude of your divine nature.
Ronald Schaefer
Sep 27, 2024
In General Discussion
Weekend contemplation and energy report for September 27, 2024
This weekend spirit is asking us to continue our process from yesterday of joyfully surrendering all that is not in alignment with the love we are to be taken by spirit to be transmuted into something greater for our not only our benefit but the benefit of the collective. Remember that spirit cannot take from us what we are not willing to acknowledge within ourselves and give it is like having a cut on your finger and holding it out for someone to put a bandaid on it but you don't remove your finger.
This leads us to our next aspect of this weekend which is to celebrate the love you are the most true expression, This means that you have to invest in your spirit to celebrate this aspect of yourself truly
. Sometimes we are afraid to celebrate who we are and reveal the divine radiance to the world to please others. This does not mean we cannot help or be kind to others it just means if you don't have the energy to do so don't force yourself to do it. One of my favorite things I have ever heard is (NO) is a complete sentence and I know it is ok because you can't be helpful to others if your well is empty.
Lastly, for this weekend spirit reminds us that we have an amazing gift of changing not only our physical surroundings but also our emotional and mental landscapes this weekend don't be afraid to change your mind to change the mental or emotional landscape you don't have to go from depressed to overwhelming joy instead pivot to the next best thought or mention and remember if you can be specific great and if not that great to be general. One of the best ways to start that shift is with gratitude and appreciation, the appreciation that you can change your mind gratuide that this emotion is just that energy in motion and it will pass and appreciation that you get to choose the next emotional landscape the next thought and so on. Gratitude and appreciation help us come back to the truth of who we are and help us to align with the love that is always in us because it is us.
Ronald Schaefer
Sep 20, 2024
In General Discussion
This weekend we are still in the eclipse wormhole, we are still aligning with the different energies that are helping us embody more of the truth of who we are.
As we continue to ride the wave of these energies spirit is asking us to take a fearless self-inventory of our mental garden looking at what thoughts or beliefs are we still feeding that we need to stop. Are we still holding on to resentment are we still reliving the past are we still playing into the negative stories we have about ourselves or are we more committed to focusing on who we are the love and joy the good we have done or others have done for us.
Spirit is also inviting us to go with the flow to ride the wave and not get caught up in trying to keep it going to acknowledge the ebb and the flow and not try and force anything to happen or heal but instead to let spirit take charge and guide you to where you need to be and it will if you are willing to allow it.
This leads us to our last energy which is simply to be present with what is not judging what rises but instead just
observing it allowing it feeling it in the moment and then letting it go but not only that when we are present in the moment we also tap into to our own connection with the divine and with that connection we realize we have all the answers within that the divine is right there with a solution to everything.
Questions to ask yourself this weekend: Where am I still focusing on the Past? Where is my focus a majority of the time on what is going right in my life or wrong? Am I willing to shift my focus even for 1 hour a day? Where am I resisting the flow of life? Am I willing to be present in this moment? Am I willing to allow the divine to guide me? Why am I afraid to allow myself to be guided? what am I afraid of?
Ronald Schaefer
Sep 16, 2024
In General Discussion
Ronald Schaefer
Sep 06, 2024
In General Discussion
Weekend contemplation for August 6th, 2024
Our crowning thought for this weekend is asking us to take a fearless self-inventory this inventory is to allow you to acknowledge where you may still have some wounds that you are still acting from. This is not about you doing more work on yourself for we have all done a lot of that but instead, this is a decision to align with who you are becoming instead of who you were.
The universe is first inviting us to rebel against the old voices and stories we might have running to say (NO) not anymore and choose another way another thought another behavior. If we do slip into those patterns spirit says to not judge ourselves but be gentle and loving and forgive and choose again.
When we choose again we are giving more attention and focus to our true self and allowing ourselves to become more aligned with that instead of our ego. We have danced with the ego for long enough to be tired of constantly having our feet stepped on.
Let us start dancing with our spirit let start allowing our authentic self to shine through because when it takes center stage and begins to dance with the universe amazing things happen life gets more fun it is not that there are not opportunities for growth it is just instead of seeing them from ego you see them from spirit and you dance with spirit through them bring forth beautiful healing and inspiration to all those around you
Ronald Schaefer
Aug 30, 2024
In General Discussion
Weekend Contemplation and Energy Report August 30 2024
This weekend we are working with the spirit animal of the Flacon the Flacon message is
Look at the bigger picture rather than what is right before you. This animal invites us to zoom out of the story we are telling and look at the situation from a more observer standpoint instead of a subjective one if we do we gain greater clarity.
One of the main energies we are working with for this week is surrender, surrender is not about giving up but instead about letting go of your agenda and the way you think things should go or play out and allowing yourself to be guided to the best outcome realize you and accept that there might be a better, easier way and if you are willing to do so the situation might reach a much faster conclusion
As we let go of our agenda we begin to get more mental and emotional clarity because we are no longer allowing ourselves to be run by what we think is best and trying to force that to happen which brings us back to true North allowing us to reengage with the truth of who we are.
Ask yourself this weekend: Where am I to focused on the outcome? Am I willing to let go of my agenda? How would I look at this from spirits higher view? What might my next action step be if I allow myself to align with integrity? How can I better Align with integrity? How can I allow the spirit of surrender more into my life
Ronald Schaefer
Aug 23, 2024
In General Discussion
For this weekend, our affirmation is: I release my fear, for a divine presence comforts me. I trust I surrender myself to this presence. I let go of all worries and I choose to relax. Well-being surrounds me, and I am comforted by the knowledge that I am never alone.
This weekend spirit is inviting us outside of our comfort zones because in our comfort zones there’s no room for expansion or guidance no room for excitement because everything is so strict and regimented.
As we begin to take those steps outside of our comfort zone, we spirit asks us to ask for guidance not so much on what we should do but instead on what it is, we most need to know how it is we can most align our highest excitement and joy.
The healing that we are all going to be experiencing in one way shape form or another is that healing of a letting go of the journey having to be perfect having to get it right 100% of the time instead, we are acknowledging that the journey is just that a journey, and there will be places where we slip And those places are not to be judged as bad instead merely as opportunities for us to play with spirit ask for guidance and receive.
This weekend really does invite us into letting go of old stories so that we may release them to spirit to be transmuted transformed or let go off
Ronald Schaefer
Aug 16, 2024
In General Discussion
This weekend's spirits message is a reminder that we can co-create our experience with spirit at any given moment. If we want to co-create we must be willing first to clean up our mental, emotional, or physical mess; the first step is admitting it honestly to ourselves. This does not mean we judge ourselves or go into guilt, blame or shame it is merely an honest look.
As we do this process we have to be aware of the ego mind for it will come up and play the victim and may try to go into blame, shame, and guilt these states can be projected onto others or internalized and attack you. Instead of going into the old stories let's be willing to look at this with spirit you could ask( What must I believe in order for this to be happening?) or ( What have I been focusing on recently that has led me here?)
One of the best ways to handle this energy of letting go to co-create a better experience is to step into gratitude this does nor mean about your situation it can be about something totally different. The ego will always focus on lack and therefore create that experience. If we want to create another experience other than lack we must be willing to focus on abundance which means to look at the blessings around you instead of the lack of theme.
Ronald Schaefer
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