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Awakening Mircales

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today is spirit guides us to meeting new people there are going to be people that we automatically connect with and feel a kinship with that going to help us grow and learn and be on the journey with us

Spirit is also going to help us to encounter people who we may not feel connected to or kinship to, but these people these connections. These relationships are just as important for spirit is guiding us to these individuals to help us to grow to see past our old stories or old perceptions.

whatever spirit guide you to today remember spirit is guiding you towards what it is. You need most of all to assist you in your growth. This doesn’t mean that spirit is testing you or punishing you. It just means that spirit is guiding you towards people situations relationships that are going to help you to embody…

Shirley Ryan
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today spirit asks us to be in the frequency and vibration of excitement.

excitement is a radiant emotion that not only fills you, but also your surroundings and those around you with this high vibrational energy when we are in a state of excitement, we see things from a higher perspective. It’s as if the blinders of the ego are taken off and the sunglasses of spirit are put on.

ask yourself today how can I align more with the spirit of excitement? What makes me feel excited? In what way have I been blocking this radiant emotion of enthusiasm? Why have I been blocking it? Why am I afraid to get excited?

Shirley Ryan
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today spirit is inviting us to make connections and introductions today whether it be in the areas of business, friendship, or romantic love, spirit is leading us directly towards the appropriate people to best support our soul at this time.

Follow your heart as spirit strives to connect you with the right associations. be more open to others, especially those whom you meet by chance.

Say hello to a new neighbor in a building, suggest having lunch with an intriguing person who sat next to you at the last business luncheon, or strike up a conversation with the person in front of you at the checkout line even if it’s not your usual habit.

In reality, it’s not accidental that you suddenly find yourself attracted to certain people spirit has placed them in your path so you could meet. spirits is to relax it is making all the necessary introductions…

Shirley Ryan
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Messages for Monday, September 2, 2024- #NewMooninVirgo This is a great time to get things in order personally and professionally; clear out what is no longer serving you on all levels, mental, emotional, physical to gain new clarity and insight on what your next course of action will be.  It’s a good time to focus on creating` new structures and foundations in our life based in truth and love.

❤️#1 A Tidy House- It’s time to clear out and organize your house- physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually to bring balance and organization in your life.  What relationships need to go, surrender and release what is no longer serving you, let go of the old stories.  Address any issues related to family and also reflect on the community are are involved in; are those people supportive and reliable, does their vibration match yours?  Take care of your physical and mental health,…

Ronald Schaefer
Shirley Ryan
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