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Awakening Mircales

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Ronald Schaefer
November 14, 2022 ยท changed the group description.

Welcome to the group! You can connect with other members, get updates and help to support one another as we all continue to grow and learn. This space is to be used for sharing information and helping each other. This group thread can also be used for mentoring students to practice their reading skills. If you are not an active or previous mentor student, please do not offer readings to others, unless you have already asked permission from me.

Michele Ann
Ronald Schaefer
Kristin Zajdel

Messages for Friday, September 6, 2024- The messages from Spirit remind us to work on the relationship with ourself first so we can mend and improve the relationship we have with others.ย  This is a time of personal and spiritual transformation; embrace your authenticity and the beauty within as you allow healing and let facades and false illusions from the ego to fall away.ย  Address your fears, allow healing, let go of what is not in alignment with your authentic self.

โค๏ธThe Queen of Cups reminds us to embrace the divine feminine within, be kind, caring, nurturing and compassionate with yourself so you an extend that to others.ย  Trust your intuition, connect with Mother Nature to balance your emotions to stay grounded, centered and at peace with yourself.

โค๏ธ Take a step back and see the bigger picture, donโ€™t be afraid to ask for help, communicate your feelings and thoughtsโ€ฆ

Ronald Schaefer

Weekend contemplation for August 6th, 2024

Our crowning thought for this weekend is asking us to take a fearless self-inventory this inventory is to allow you to acknowledge where you may still have some wounds that you are still acting from. This is not about you doing more work on yourself for we have all done a lot of that but instead, this is a decision to align with who you are becoming instead of who you were.

The universe is first inviting us to rebel against the old voices and stories we might have running to say (NO) not anymore and choose another way another thought another behavior. If we do slip into those patterns spirit says to not judge ourselves but be gentle and loving and forgive and choose again.

When we choose again we are giving more attention and focus to our true self and allowing ourselvesโ€ฆ

Shirley Ryan

ย Light is everywhere so mote it be. light is everyone and everything we see. Sometimes that light can obscured by the shield of the ego's ire and even though it obscures the light it can never bring forth eternal night.

Light is everywhere this is true when we look with eyes a new when we let go of the past and the stories we tell we can see the light shine through very well.

Light is everywhere it is in the situation that causes you woe in the person who frustrates you so it is there for you to see if you will drop the little ego story and ask for the miracle for it is always nigh that light from the divine is behind that story screaming so loud.

Light is everywhere for you to see past the storied clouds bright as can be will you choose to seeโ€ฆ

Shirley Ryan
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