This weekend, our overall energy is "Making a Difference." The affirmation we can use for this is "My inner light shines far and wide." If we want to dive deeper into this overall energy, we can ask ourselves: Whose life has been positively impacted by my light? How can I share my light even more? What might be stopping me from sharing my light?
Our supporting energies are choices, confrontation, and letting go, with bonus energies of facing fear and epiphany.
Spirit is asking us this weekend to choose to either continue to shy away from the truth of who we are or begin to embrace it. Spirit reminds us that we always have a choice in each moment to be the presence of the alternative or not, and either way, the choice is ours. The choice is not about being good or right; the choice is simply where are you currently aligning with what is it that you want to experience more: fear or love.
This then leads us to our next energy of confrontation. This energy is asking us to ask one question: Do I want to be right or happy? This does not mean we don't stand up for what is right, but instead, it means that we don't try and convince others we are right and they are wrong. We choose the places we stand, and we demonstrate and explain not to be seen as right, but to gain understanding of both sides.
The next energy is letting go, fear, and epiphany. These three energies flow together. Once we face the fear, we realize it has no power, and we let it go, and in so doing, we gain greater insight. What are we letting go of? I like to say we are letting go of the value we have for the fear. Our mind tells us that this fear of sharing our light and sharing ourselves is dangerous because of this or that. Once we look at that story and say, "I am no longer going to pay attention to it," but instead take one step, no matter how big or small, past, we are telling our minds that we are no longer valuing that story, and it will fade away. Sometimes the moment we take the step and other times after a few steps. The steps show us the insight we need to let go of the story, to see with new clarity and insight what we have wanted all along was right there past the fear.