This weekend we are still in the eclipse wormhole, we are still aligning with the different energies that are helping us embody more of the truth of who we are.
As we continue to ride the wave of these energies spirit is asking us to take a fearless self-inventory of our mental garden looking at what thoughts or beliefs are we still feeding that we need to stop. Are we still holding on to resentment are we still reliving the past are we still playing into the negative stories we have about ourselves or are we more committed to focusing on who we are the love and joy the good we have done or others have done for us.
Spirit is also inviting us to go with the flow to ride the wave and not get caught up in trying to keep it going to acknowledge the ebb and the flow and not try and force anything to happen or heal but instead to let spirit take charge and guide you to where you need to be and it will if you are willing to allow it.
This leads us to our last energy which is simply to be present with what is not judging what rises but instead just
observing it allowing it feeling it in the moment and then letting it go but not only that when we are present in the moment we also tap into to our own connection with the divine and with that connection we realize we have all the answers within that the divine is right there with a solution to everything.
Questions to ask yourself this weekend: Where am I still focusing on the Past? Where is my focus a majority of the time on what is going right in my life or wrong? Am I willing to shift my focus even for 1 hour a day? Where am I resisting the flow of life? Am I willing to be present in this moment? Am I willing to allow the divine to guide me? Why am I afraid to allow myself to be guided? what am I afraid of?