Vlog can you imagine that?
 In this video, I talk about how to unleash the power of your imagination I share with you a personal story that led me to discover two to
Waking up to YOU!
New vlog for today wake up to YOU!
Who are you?
Do you know or do you think you know? We walk around thinking that we know who we are.
Vlog: An Unlikely Guide to Joy
The vlog for today was inspired by a live I did Thursday morning here is the link to that video https://fb.watch/mVS46kWjNm/ In this...
Why can I not Hear My Guidance
If we truly want guidance then we have to empty our minds. In this Vlog I go into detail about how we need to be like little children to...
Money is Never The issue
One day as I was scrolling through Facebook I ran across a friend of mines post it said if money was not an issue what would you do? So i...
This is something all of search endlessly but never seems to find we search for peace in people in places and thing. However peace does...